For the past 20 months, there has been major spiritual shifting on the planet and now we’re feeling the residual like the aftershock from an earthquake. What we’re experiencing right now is aftershocks in people and we’re seeing people do odd things out of character. This is because of the shifts that have occurred. People are either moving into the flow or they’re having a hard time and they’re acting odd.

We will all have to be more patient with people because many people and animals are not adjusting well to the new vibrational frequency. For some animals, it’s like shell shock and they’re working hard to adjust. People are having this effect as well.

Everyone must learn to process through change. When we resist change, we cause inevitable stagnation for our being. When we are in the womb, we feel protected and safe and then we are catapulted into overstimulation and we have to learn to quickly absorb the differences in energies and the variables that are all of a sudden present. Yet it is difficult for us to do it, given the fact that we haven’t been exposed to it before. Therefore, often times we move to a state of uncomfortableness and we learn very early in our existence about our coping mechanisms. Our coping mechanisms are created as soon as we exit the womb and enter into this life and then we build on those coping mechanisms. But we should all realize that we have the ability to change our patterning, change our responses, based on desire and will.

Sometimes we feel defeated and we look at others and we wish we were like them. That happens to most people, but the only thing stopping us from being that way is ourselves. We have to realize that we are responsible and accountable for our own destiny in that way.

Change can be a positive thing. Change can be a positive influence on us as we can initiate change to create growth in ourselves. Animals only cycle through patterns because humans create them and we as animals follow through, but typically animals are instinctually able to cope with change.

It’s those external factors that condition us in the beginning stages of our lives and assist us in being able to change (or not change) easily and effectively. When there is an animal or person who is resisting change, the best thing to do for them is to give them love and make them feel comfortable and safe in experimenting with different levels of acceptance of the change. It’s not good to force. The hesitation comes because the mind gets triggered in a recall of negative effects from previous times so we have to re-pattern the brain to dissolve that memory of previous occurrences and re-pattern it with a positive memory.

With loving the self and loving others and others loving us, then change can be a positive experience that can assist in the growth of our being. We have to buy into it and we have to try, otherwise nothing and no one can force the change. Humans are naturally resistant out of fear, but we’ve talked about fear before so we know how to deal with that. It’s important to love yourself and honor the changes so that your growth can occur because without growth, there is no learning and without learning there is really no purpose to experiencing this life.

I hope this assists those who are struggling at this time.