How do you feel when you celebrate your birthday? Or when other people acknowledge your birthday? How do you feel when there’s a special occasion like an anniversary, Christmas, or a holiday…. when we join with our family? Shouldn’t you feel that everyday? And what if you did feel that everyday, what would it look like?

Celebrations are something that we use as an excuse to enjoy life. We should change our perception of how we view life and make every day a celebration because every day really is a gift. We shouldn’t feel the need to create these special days in order to celebrate one another.

Somewhere along the line humans have been conditioned to believe that they can’t celebrate or be happy every day whereas animals don’t follow that belief. They are happy and celebrate every day unless there’s something physically wrong with them, of course. Otherwise, they embrace each moment and every day like it’s a celebration, like it’s somebody’s birthday, like it’s something special. My advice to my human friends would be to begin to look at every day like it’s a special celebration.

What if every day was your birthday, what would you do? And how would you feel? You should embrace that feeling every day, stand in that feeling every day. It’s good to select time to honor one another on a special day, but in reality, birthdays signify a rule to celebrate. “Today’s the day we get to celebrate ‘you’ because it’s your birthday.” We should change that.

It’s like those who live for the holidays, thinking “if I can get to Christmas then I have a reason to celebrate. I have a reason to give people gifts and a reason to feel peace and a reason to feel love and a reason for us to get together as a family”. Everybody needs to get together on that day, like forcing people to get together rather than allowing people to enjoy the moment. Forced celebration. I’m saddened by the fact that people need to make a rule to celebrate in order to have fun and joy and love and be together. We should just do that naturally like the animals do.

I celebrate my people every day and I honor them on their special day. We should always celebrate every day and love every day and be happy every day. But honor all the time, especially when it’s their special day. That’s the difference.

Do we not feel deserving to enjoy and experience celebration every day? Is that why we don’t embrace life that way? Do we feel the need to struggle? Do we feel that’s our purpose? It’s not. The animals don’t feel that way. It’s about being deserving and feeling worthy every day, not just on specific days in which someone has told you that it’s ok to feel worthy.

And what does that say about people who feel they are only worthy of celebrating themselves on their birthday? And how does that person feel if a friend or family member forgets their birthday? People build up expectations because they only feel deserving one day of the year. That day becomes fragile, very vulnerable because you place all your feelings of worthiness in someone else’s hands.

The truth is, we should celebrate and honor one another each and every day, especially honor each other on the most special of days, but hold no expectations because true worthiness comes from within.