This is a meditation to connect with the sun. This is a way for people to provide universal healing. It’s an exercise people can do to promote healing of the Earth, which is needed right now. We need to heal ourselves and then heal the Earth. It can’t be one without the other.

Close your eyes and imagine the sun’s rays beating on you. The sun fills you up and clears you and makes you whole and vibrant and full of light. The rays of the sun engulf you so that you feel a connection with the sun. You’re soaking up the rays and they fill you fully. Then you get drawn to the sun, you become a piece of the sun, you’re at one with the sun. You become the sun. And stand in that light. And then imagine you are the sun and you’re radiating the light down to others.

And then you use the sun to heal others and it should not be specific. The light should be just radiating down to whoever requires it, opening it up to be a free channel to anyone who’s accepting of it. It’s important for people to recognize that they should give the healing energy out and offer it up for those who will accept it rather than pushing it on someone. When you push it, you’re not allowing for a person’s free will and it can be harmful. So we need to make sure that when we’re sending it out, we’re just stating “I’m shining for anyone or anything who requires it”. Any being. It’s not just people, it’s plants, animals, everything on the Earth. Anything that needs the infusion of the sun, the healing energy of the sun. Then you’re helping the sun to do it’s job, and you’re helping to heal the Earth, the Planet, and everything on it without ego dictating where the energy goes.

Now finish by saying “I love myself” for when we radiate that we love ourselves, we radiate that positiveness outward. It’s a gift that comes through us.