What one person perceives to be joy is sometimes another person’s hell and we as a society don’t pay attention and honor this enough, honor other people enough. We often only think and look from our own perspective and we expect everyone to see the world through our glasses when in fact everyone sees things in a different light. What you perceive is a combination of your experiences and your beliefs and that’s how we look at the world individually. But judgement comes when we expect others to look at things the same way that we do. Frustration comes when the other person is incapable of doing so and in all of that there is no love.

The only time love happens is when we honor someone else’s perception even when it is not in alignment with our own. It doesn’t mean we need to accept the perception when we honor it, it just means that we agree that it’s ok that we don’t see things the same way.

We waste a lot of time trying to convince others that the way we see things is correct when it fact, does it really matter? Does it matter if you believe full heartedly something to be true, for if you believe that full heartedly, why would you need someone else to believe as well?

The true power, the true strength, comes when you believe yourself so much so that it doesn’t matter what everyone else thinks and it doesn’t matter if anyone else agrees. There’s no reason to convince, it just is. And there’s no need to justify unless we don’t truly believe ourselves. It doesn’t mean that what we think is or isn’t right. If we believe it and that’s how we see things in that moment, then it’s what we need to believe for our own growth and our own experiences.

Perceptions can sometimes change because in time we can alter our vision and our insight, and it can move to a different perspective. That doesn’t mean we were wrong before, it just means that we chose to see it in a different way for our own learning.

Often times the ego prevents us from seeing anything but the moment that we’re in and when we view from the moment that we’re in, of course, we can only see things from the perspective of where we’re standing. If we move ourself from the moment and view from outside the moment, above the moment, beyond the moment and beside the moment, then we can see many perspectives of the same thing.

But when we only want to view perceptions from where we see it, it’s hard for us to view from any other way and sometimes because we view things a certain way, we tie expectations to what we see and this is the biggest downfall that we can create for the self and for others.

It’s interesting that in our life we are a society that lives as a whole, or should live as a whole, yet our viewpoints should be individualistic and should not be impressed or pushed on others. Each of us should honor our own perception but in our society, the collective rule so those with a similar perception dictate if they’re in the majority. That happens on a grander scale but within the confinements of your own space and being, then we need to honor ourselves to be able to see things and view things from where we need to see them in order to function and learn the lessons that we need to for ourselves.

If we look at another person and we honor their perspective, then we can help them more. Instead of helping them from the perspective that we stand from, if we step into them and see from their perspective, we can help them on their path much more easily. Sometimes our perspective is so different from the other person’s that they can’t see where we’re coming from when we’re trying to assist them. However, if we put ourself in their space and then help from that perspective, we can help so much more effectively. But this means we have to push our own ego aside. We have to push our needs, wants and perception aside in order to help the other.

Sometimes one doesn’t have enough energy to see beyond their own perspective and that’s ok too but if we can get other people to see from different points of view, it would increase the vibrational frequency of those involved. That is one way we can raise our frequency and bring ourselves closer to unconditional love.

Unconditional love is pretty much unattainable n our lifetime given the fact that as humans and animals, we have ego and unconditional love can’t fully exist when there is ego. Unconditional love can only exist in spirit and many may challenge me on that, however, I can tell you that my perception is “I believe that to be true”. You can choose to honor that or not. Your perception is also honored by me and I send my gratitude for your perception and for your understanding with love.
