Many people are unhappy with the weather and lack of sunshine right now. Your energy is depleted because you are unable to obtain energy from the deadness of the Earth right now. If you are one of those people, it would be good for you to do a meditation as a tree and feel that tree wakening up. Feel that life as an awakening.

Imagine yourself as a tree that’s dormant. All the way from the base of your roots to the tip of your branches you feel closed and dead. Now you are just coming out of the winter. Imagine you feel the sun coming down on you and you can feel the warmth of the air. The sun heats you and you begin to awaken right from the base of your roots, all the way up your trunk and into all your branches. Then imagine that you feel the earth underneath you start to move and the fluids move in the earth and you start to feel awakened yourself. You start to feel yourself and the fluids in you awaken and you start to take the energy from the ground and the fluid from the ground and you bring it thru you and bring it all the way to the end of your branches and you begin to form buds and you begin to create growth within yourself. Then slowly see yourself open and the leaves open and feel the warmth and the awakening into the spring and then as you awaken yourself, begin to recognize that everything around you is awakening and begin to pay attention to the smells that exist around you. Recognize as you begin to awaken, you tune into everything else. You feel the love of the earth and then there’s love in you and then you send love out. Make sure to dig your roots deeper into the ground because everything is just starting to flow and the deeper you go, the more that you gain. Dig deep but also pay attention to the feeling of the sun above you and pay attention to the birds and the smells in the air and the beautiful sky and the animals beginning to awaken and move around you.

Now focus back on the roots and pay attention to how strong you feel because your roots are embedded deeply into the ground. The wind blows but it doesn’t even move you because you are so strong.

To finish the meditation, stand in the presence of that awakening and say: “I am strong” and feel the strength.