A Dog’s Gift – NEW BOOK

A Dog’s Gift – NEW BOOK

It’s finally out! The book you have all been waiting for. A Dog’s Gift – A Spiritual Journey of Growth. Authored by Wanda Collier. A true story of how a dog named Isa came to assist his “human mother” – through a gifted animal...


Hello, my supporters. I would like to take this opportunity to announce that I am in the process of writing a book. It will be a spiritual book, about my life from an animal’s perspective and the things I’ve done. If anyone has any stories about your...

Spiritual Messages From A Canine Perspective III

This is Isa’s third event, which should be sure to please. This time, Isa will be discussing free will for the first half of the event and then he will have audience participation during the second half, where Isa will interview volunteers who wish to discuss...
Isa’s First Public Event Summary

Isa’s First Public Event Summary

It’s disappointing to announce that we had technical difficulties for Isa’s first event on Sept 7, 2013. We had every intention of posting his videotaped event for those unable to make it, but on playback learned that there were issues with the sound. The...