Let Go & Allow

Let Go & Allow

We need not to take life so seriously. We need to learn to let go and allow things to be the way that they need to be. We need to release our worries and fears because they do nothing but inhibit our growth. When we can recognize that our emotions tend to cloud us...
Circle of Love

Circle of Love

Light workers at this time should be consciously spreading love because they’re in awareness of the spiritual shifting that’s happening. Those who are in shadow or unaware are struggling and forgetting to go to love and that’s where we need to go...


For the past 20 months, there has been major spiritual shifting on the planet and now we’re feeling the residual like the aftershock from an earthquake. What we’re experiencing right now is aftershocks in people and we’re seeing people do odd things...
Diamonds Within

Diamonds Within

I’m sending out greetings to everyone and hope that you’re enjoying your summer, as summer time is the time for stabilization and finding peace within. Summertime is a time to enjoy the self and enjoy those that we love because the timeframe is so short...
Free Will & Fear

Free Will & Fear

The core of free will lies within the love of the self and the strength of free will comes from the level of love we hold for the self. Fears are insecurities that arise because we do not love the self and if we look at that, then we can see that free will and fear...
The Answer is Always Love

The Answer is Always Love

People give what they receive, for the most part. It’s important to recognize what people are attempting to give you because you will see where they’re at and you can alter what they give you by what you give back. The mistake that people make is they tend...